What is Mode of Selection or Selection Procedure for Medical Officer [Dental]/ [OHS]/ GDMO at SAIL ?
Mode of Selection or Selection Procedure for Medical Officer [Dental]/ [OHS]/ GDMO at SAIL will be through Written Examination/ Computer Based Test (CBT) and interview. Eligible candidates will be required to appear in the Written Examination/ CBT at Kolkata. Test center mentioned is tentative and may be changed without prior notice.
Written Examination consisting 100 questions (Multiple Choice Questions) will be post specific. The duration of the test would be two hours. The minimum qualifying marks in the written test for Unreserved/ EWS category is 50 percentile score. For SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL)/ PWD category, the minimum qualifying marks will be 40 percentile score. Candidates short listed on the basis of their performance in the Written Examination/ CBT will be required to appear in the interview in order of merit, in the ratio of 1:3 for each post. The interview may be held at short notice for which the call letters will be intimated through Post/e-mail or careers page of SAIL website. For final selection, the merit list will be drawn by combining the scores of Written Examination/ CBT and Interview with the weightage of 80:20 in that order and on the basis of Presidential Directives of Reservation.