Mode of Selection or Selection Procedure for Medical Specialist will be through interview. The minimum qualifying marks in the interview will be 50% for Unreserved/ EWS category and 40% for SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL)/ PWD category. For final selection, the merit list shall be drawn up based on the performance of the candidates in the interview. Date, Time & Place of the Written Examination/ CBT/ Interview will be intimated to eligible/ shortlisted candidates through Post/e-mail or careers page of SAIL website. Any other information regarding written examination/ CBT/ Interview will be provided on our website only. However, SAIL reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the response in that area/centre and allocate appropriate centre to the candidate. No request for change of examination centre shall be entertained. Laptop, Mobile, Wrist Watch, Calculator, Scale and other electronic gadgets will not be allowed within the premises of examination centres
What is Mode of Selection or Selection Procedure for Medical Officer [Dental]/ [OHS]/ GDMO at SAIL ?
Mode of Selection or Selection Procedure for Medical Officer [Dental]/ [OHS]/ GDMO at SAIL will be through Written Examination/ Computer Based Test (CBT) and interview. Eligible candidates will be required to appear in the Written Examination/ CBT at Kolkata. Test center mentioned is tentative and may be changed without prior notice. Written Examination consisting 100 questions (Multiple Choice Questions) will be post specific. The duration of the test would be two hours. The minimum qualifying marks in the written test for Unreserved/ EWS category is 50 percentile score. For SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL)/ PWD category, the minimum qualifying marks will be 40 percentile score. Candidates short listed on the basis of their performance in the Written Examination/ CBT will be required to appear in the interview in order of merit, in the ratio of 1:3 for each post. The interview may be held at short notice for which the call letters will be intimated through Post/e-mail or careers page of SAIL website. For final selection, the merit list will be drawn by combining the scores of Written Examination/ CBT and Interview with the weightage of 80:20 in that order and on the basis of Presidential Directives of Reservation.
Medical Standards or Physical requirement for Medical Officer and Medical Specialist is, Applicant or candidate should be of sound physique, free from any physical defect. Medical standards stipulate minimum requirements of Weight: 45 kg (male) / 35kg (female); Height: 155 cm (male) /143 cm (female). "Note": The medical standards indicated above are minimum pre-requisites. However, appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their passing the Company’s Medical Examination as per standards laid down under SAIL’s Medical & Health Manual.
Age Criteria of Sail Recruitment for Medical Officer is 34 year and Medical Specialist is 41 years [as on 30.04.2021]. Relaxation in upper age limit: Upper age limit is relatable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (NCL) candidates with respect to posts reserved for them.
Qualification & Experience Requirement for SAIL Recruitment of Medical Officer [E-1 Grade] is as per below by job title : Medical Officer [Dental] : BDS from a University/ Institute recognized by Dental Council of India with 01 year post qualification experience in a recognized Medical College/ Hospital/ Institution. Medical Officer [OHS] : MBBS with Degree/ Diploma in Industrial/ Occupational Health/AFIH [Associate Fellowship in Industrial Health] from a University/institute recognized by MCI with 01 year post qualification experience in a recognized Medical College/ Hospital/ Institution. Medical Officer - GDMO: MBBS from a university/Institute recognized by MCI with 01 year post qualification experience in a recognized Medical College/ Hospital/
Qualification & Experience Requirement for SAIL Recruitment of Medical Specialist [E-3 Grade] is PG Degree/ DNB in Relevant Discipline from a university/ Institute recognized by MCI, with at least 03 years post qualification experience in a recognized Medical College/ Hospital/ Institution.
For the Recruitment of General Medicine, Anaesthesia, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Radiology, Psychiatry, General Surgery Candidates selected for the post of Consultants will be absorbed in ME-3 grade with the scale of pay being 32900-3%-58,000 (due for revision w.e.f 01.01.2017). The emoluments for the posts of Consultant will include basic pay, dearness allowance, non-practicing allowance, and other facilities such as medical facility for self and family, provident fund, gratuity, Leave encashment, etc., as per rules of the company. In addition, House Rent Allowance will be paid only where company accommodation is not available.
Physical Standards: To be considered fit for employment, the candidate should be in good physical and mental health and should be able to perform his job effectively.: - The medical standards indicated above are minimum pre-requisites. Before applying candidates must ensure that they possess the above mentioned Physical Standards. However, appointment of selected candidates will be subject to being found medically fit by the medical officer of the Company as per standards laid down under SAIL’s Medical & Health Manual. Parameter Required Standard MALE FEMALE Height 150 cms 143 cms Weight 45 Kgs 35 Kgs Chest Measurement 72 cm & 75 cm on expansion 75cm & 79 cm on expansion Visual Standards Vision Distant One eyed persons with 6/6 in healthy eye Near- J1 both eyes with or without glass. Power of glasses will not exceed + 8D
For the SAIL Recruitment 2021 of Consultant, ME-3 (Gen. Medicine/ Anesthesia/ Pediatrics/ Ortho/ Radiology/ Psychiatry/ Gen. Surgery) : MBBS with MD/MS/DNB in relevant discipline from a university/institute recognized by MCI. And With at least 3 yrs. Post PG qualification experience in a recognized Medical College/ Hospital/ Institution.
For Consultant, Recruitment of ME-3 (Gen. Medicine/ Anesthesia/ Pediatrics/ Ortho/ Radiology/ Psychiatry/ Gen. Surgery) : 41 Years For General Relaxation in Upper Age Limit: Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ ST category and 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC (Non-creamy layer) category respectively with respect to posts reserved for them. Additional relaxation of 10 years in age to Persons with Disabilities. Those domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir from 1/1/80 to 31/12/89 will be allowed 5 years relaxation in upper age limit. Departmental candidates (employees of SAIL) will be given relaxation of 10 years in the upper age limit.